Sunday, March 18, 2007

Day 4 Re-cap

Well...that's the end of the first weekend. Is everyone having fun? Or...are you trying to figure out what the heck you were thinking when you filled out your bracket. Either way...we're down to the Sweet 16!

Robert, Robert, Robert. Where do I begin? First of all, let me thank you for signing up your family. Second, let me acknowledge how well Brandon has far. Also, let me tell you how much I have appreciated your silence. It has been golden. Thank you. But...since you opened your mouth, I have to respond... In looking at the standings after 4 days, you and your son are tied for third. Outside looking in, that's great! Unfortunately, my trained eye noticed that you are only capable of scoring a total of 960 points...IF your remaining picks are perfect. ...and Brandon is capable of scoring 1020 points...IF all of his picks are correct going forward. see, it is far more likely that one of these folks will win:

"Jay Swish" (1100)
"Adams 1" (1080)
"the champ is here" (1080)
"Smith 1" (1040)
"Kay" (1040)
"Jodi" (1040)

(NOTE - - When looking at the standings, see the 3rd column from the right for the total "potential" points each competitor can get...based on teams they still have in the tournament.) I mentioned before, SILENCE IS GOLDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at it this way...this will be a great opportunity for you teach young Brandon how to be a gracious LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I shouldn't be so pessimistic. Don't give up hope completely...but start preparing the child for the possibility that the big, shiny champion's trophy will not be sent to 8032 Stone Hill Drive, Plano, Texas 75025. Again, thanks for playing.

One of the weekend's surprises is the fact that Karyn "Kay" Graves is only in 6th place. Since she is a 2-time champion, I expected a little more from her. Especially after she confided in me that she was putting a lot of thought into this year's bracket. See what happens when you actually put thought into it... This only confirms my suspicions from 2004 and 2005. Obviously, it was just dumb luck. skill or expert knowledge...just pure luck. Oh well...I guess we'll have to look for another role model.

I am hugely disappointed in Jimmy "JG (Lil Jim)" Graves. He's off to a horrible start...and it's just gonna get worse. Sorry. I thought this guy was an athlete. I ASSUMED he knew he was suppose to select the teams that were more likely to win...not lose. Again, I'm starting to see a pattern in that household (Kay, Lil Jim, Jasen)...CONFUSION!

All is all, this was a very exciting weekend. There are lots of competitors still in the hunt. Good luck next weekend.

For those of you who are completely out of the running, I hear there are some good movies coming out next weekend.

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